I’m Gina – Jane’s youngest daughter and mother to her Granddaughter. When I found out about the book, I was so proud at the thought of Mum and Penny co-writing a book together which could potentially help thousands of women. It went from being an idea to being a commodity very quickly. Penny would spend every minute of her spare time writing the book whilst Mum continued to provide the information. The deadline of Penny moving to China was fast approaching and everything was moving at a pace that seemed quite daunting. As writing a book isn’t my forte, I didn’t feel like I was able to provide any help at this stage in the process. (Scroll down for more)

A couple of weekends before Penny moved to China, she had begun to set up some social media links and the first layout of the website. ‘Great’ I thought. This was something I could really help with. We discussed what sort of things we wanted on the website and how we wanted it to look and then it was my chance to help Mum and Penny. I would work a full day at work and then sit for hours and hours doing the website, forever tweaking it and forever being obsessed with the way it all worked. The website was actually ready to go live for weeks before the pre-order date thinking it would have given us ample time to ensure everything was 100% ready in time…of course there were some blips but we managed to get through them and have learnt from it. The website will be something that needs to be adjusted every week depending on offers, promotions, new products etc. We do not have a big team behind the scenes – it truly is a family process.
The next task I needed to do was take over from the social media sites. This was slightly easier to do as being 27, social media is something I use on a daily basis; I just had to change from posting pictures of my adorable 3 year old daughter to posting pictures about the symptoms from my mothers vagina! The only difficulty I experienced with social media was having to teach my not so confident mother how to post, hashtag, and tag people. We haven’t mastered deleting/editing a post yet so we hope she doesn’t make a mistake. People often ask us who we have doing all our PR for us. We don’t. We wanted this to be a true family affair from writing, publishing, printing, postage, website and social media. I’m incredibly proud of what my family have achieved so far and am so proud of my Mum’s bravery. I see the incredible reviews and messages on a daily basis from women she has helped.
We hope you are enjoying the book, website and social media posts.
Gina and daughter x
